
David Sibley’s Public Events

All events are subject to change. Please confirm locations and times with the local venue. I will do my best to update these events, but you should not rely solely on the information here.

Upcoming events

23 Sep 2023 – Tarrytown, New York

  • Keynote speaker at the New York State Ornithological Association Annual Meeting

Link for more info: https://www.nybirders.org

Registration is closed (13 September 2023)

4 Oct 2023 – New York, New York

  • Audubon New York Keesee Awards Luncheon

Link for more info: Audubon NY Keesee Awards Luncheon

7 Nov 2023 – Virtual event with TNC Montana

  • A one hour discussion about birds with The Nature Conservancy of Montana

Link for more info: general link to Montana TNC

more details soon

17 Nov 2023 – Virtual event with WGBH Boston

  • A one hour Q&A, answering listener questions about birds

Link for more info: WGBH events

more details soon

Interested in having David Sibley speak to your organization?

To inquire about my availability for speaking: I am represented by Penguin Random House Speakers Bureau. Follow the link for more info or to book a lecture or other event.


Aug 2010 – A detailed interview about my art and the bird and tree guides is here.

Mar 2010 – A short Q & A about the book Bright Wings is here.

Feb 2010 – An interview I did with the American Birding Association’s Young Birder’s Blog is here.

In Jan 2010 I wrote a piece for Publisher’s Weekly’s series “Why I write”, you can read it here.

Fall 2009 interviews and reviews about the Guide to Trees can be found on the Press about the Guide to Trees page

A list of older selected Interviews

23 thoughts on “Events”

  1. When will you be coming to the Houston, Texas area? I see you are tentatively scheduled to be in
    Dallas, but Houston is certainly more of a birdy town than Dallas! What’s up with that?!

  2. Kathryn Gerlach

    I hope you will come to New Orleans. We have some great independent bookstores and a number of beautiful parks for bird walks, including Audubon Park, City Park, and Lafitte National Park. You can have your photo make next to a bronze statue of James Audubon!

  3. I can’t believe I am stuck in the far west suburbs of Chicago with a bad foot and you are so close! Do you ship signed books by chance?

    1. Hi Kim, Sorry you couldn’t make it last night. I signed some extra books there before I left, so they should still have signed copies that you could pick up or ask about shipping. In general any bookstore that I visit would be happy to take your order for a personalized book and ship it to you after my visit, so you can check my schedule and call ahead to place an order.


  4. Dear David,

    Thank you for the 2nd edition of your Guide to Birds. The stunning artwork, wealth of information, and optimal design have made it well worth the wait. I would like to purchase a signed copy for home use, while using my current copy in the field. However, I am inclined to wait until the second printing for this. So, I am wondering (1) when you estimate the next printing will take place and (2) if you will still be doing your book tour at that point. I would plan to call ahead to place the order.

    Thanks again for your outstanding Guide, and good birding.


  5. Maybe it’s just me, but I couldn’t find the Q&A at the link shown for Bright Wings:
    “Mar 2010 – A short Q & A about the book Bright Wings is here.”

  6. We very much would like to come to your talk in Burlington VT on June 26 but it is sold out. Will you be speaking anywhere else in New England? We would follow you anywhere!

  7. Hello. I would like to write David about the possibility of teaching a class at Shakerag Workshops in June of 2017. Could you please send me an email address or US Postal address so that I can send a letter? thank you.

    Claire Reishman

  8. David, I am looking forward to your visit to Humboldt County, CA for Godwit Days in mid April. Just curious -do you have any specific birds you look forward to seeing when here?

  9. Hello David, I’m a birder from the Salt Lake City area. I missed the duration of your visit for the Great Salt Lake Bird Festival in 2015, but was wondering if you planned on hosting any events in Utah in the near future.

    Thanks for the brilliant guides that have enriched my experience in the field.

    Yuanhang Zhao

  10. Mr. Sibley…the world if songbirds needs your help. Particularly here in South Florida. I’ve learned recently that Cubans now living here have brought something along with them from their homeland…the illegal trapping for profit of songbirds as they travel through South Florida. Setting up nets and traps often on public lands they capture and use these wild birds to gamble as they do illegally with pitbulls. This must be stopped immediately. How do they have the gall to deprive so many of us from enjoying the beautiful songs and colors of these free perfections of nature. I am enraged that this crime is being carried out on plane sight. Please lend your voice to find new and effective ways to stop these thieves of God’s creations for their own sinister gains.

  11. David,

    Our group, Sussex Bird Club, is interested in having a birding event in coastal southern Delaware while you are in Rehoboth Beach for the April 28 book signing at Browseabout Books. We are a small club with many excellent birders, many of whom are also world travelers for birding.

    How can we make arrangements to get you out for a morning on either 4/28 or 4/29 2020 around your trip here. By the way, I am a 1972 graduate of Cornell with a degree in wildlife biology, My lab TA in Ornithology was Ben King; a good start to a life as an ornithologist! I understand you started there but left to paint and study birds.

    Looking forward to hearing from you

  12. I missed the announcement of your virtual event with the Museum in Raleigh NC in May. Very sad about that. Do you have anymore virtual events lined up?

    When my Kiddo was born (23 this year), I went looking for a “better bird book” and found you! Your Guide was (and still is) kiddo’s first bird guide! He loved it then, and still loves it. He has ALWAYS been very avid about birds, even as a wee one. I’m planning on starting his personal library this Fall. He graduates college in December. I’ll be ordering directly through here. I know he will love and treasure the updated version of the guide of our region, as well as your new book and so many others!!

    1. Hi,
      I just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate having your book, Sibley Birds West. It’s been a great resource book for us. Will you be doing any presentations in the Spokane, WA area or in Washington or Oregon this year?
      Connie Jensen

  13. Jessica Householder

    Would love for you to come to Springfield, IL! We have an IL Audubon Society Chapter and Carpenter Park is a local Important Bird Area. Excellent birding along the Sangamon River.

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