Final flock of four – East and South

The matchup between the East champion and the South champion is shown here, and below the image are checkboxes where you can pick one of the two species as your favorite. Be sure to click the “Submit” button at the bottom so that your votes are counted.

All contest news will be announced through my Facebook page

[wpsqt name=”Semifinals – East and South” type=”poll”]

Information about the contest

This contest is modeled on the NCAA basketball tournament, but you – the readers – are able to vote on your favorite bird in a series of one-on-one matchups.

Anyone can vote. Those who filled out and submitted a bracket will be in the running to win the prize – a complete set of six Sibley Guides, all signed, and with a sketch of the winning bird drawn in the Sibley Guide to Birds, Second Edition.

Information about the bracket, announcements and links to new contests, and the results, will all be posted on my Facebook page, so check in there to be sure you don’t miss the next installment.

5 thoughts on “Final flock of four – East and South”

  1. Dennis Schlobohm

    We love Painted Buntings we have 5 males and 5 greenies that have spent the winter with us and now appear to be getting ready to leave us and head north.

  2. It’s still the Pileated for me.

    The Painted Bunting’s colors are bright and cheerful and in a small and rather dark kitchen my bar mops/kitchen towels mimic it’s colors and bring some visual joy but there’s something rather elegant and minimal about the Pileated, with or without the red cap, which mimics the organized contents of my few kitchen cabinets, without which organization I wouldn’t enjoy the colorful bar mops as much.

    It seems that I require both birds and would dearly miss the loss of either one.

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